Requirements to become a Member

According to the first article of SIF (Società Italiana di Fisica) Statute, "the Italian Physical Society located in Bologna, established as an Institution by a Royal Decree of September 5, 1935, No. 1720, has the aim to promote, favour and protect the progress of Physics in Italy".

Ordinary and honorary Members take part in the Society:
"Individual persons and Institutions can be regarded as ordinary Members. People who have reached an outstanding position in physical sciences can be regarded as honorary Members. Effective Members can achieve the status of "meritorious" Members for significant contributions in favour of the Society".

All those who carry out researches, cultural and didactic activities in the field of Physics, acknowledge the aim of the Society and wish to take part in it, may thus subscribe.

To newly gratudate bachelors in Physics (Invited Members) free pre-membership is granted for a period of two years.